Welcome to Kobaltic's World


Gore Land

Gore Video

Some more javascript games. Always adding more games.

UFO Center - Updated 6/3/05


level 0 -- the Computer is totally dumb.
level 1 -- Computer is smarter (original version).
level 2 -- You MAY win (only when you start).
level 3 -- Computer NEVER lose.

Office Space Beta

I have just changed my hosting site. I will be updating my entire site over the next month to include all the gore maps and everything AMP II.
I will also be adding some non-gore stuff. Stop back and visit often.

Office space is up and it is in early beta stages. I am aware of some of the issues with the map.
I will start to date the betas so you have the latest.Here is a list of known issues:

Not everyone can see the rain outside the round windows. (don't know why but working on the issue)
Not everyone can see the waterfall in the custom fountain. (again don't know why but I am working on it)
New glass triangle chr has no texture. (I have the texture but I don't know where, will updated ASAP)
I deleted a brush on the mob side near the heavy head armor.
Fps are low. Very low around the stairs.
The floor light trim is not complete
The room under umc is not complete
Mechs can't go through bottom door on umc
If you see anything else please let me know on the 4d forums or e-mail me @ jfwalsh2@kobaltic.com

This document maintained by jfwalsh2@kobaltic.com.
Material Copyright © 2000 Website last updated 01.04.2006